Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Prayer Over Your Family

Lately it has been pressed upon me to be praying protection over our family. In our little community we have seen so much sickness. And not just a simple cold, I mean sickness that has put friends into the hospital. Now, I am not saying that these friends are sick because they didn't pray. I am saying that because of this I feel I need to be praying all the more for my husband and babies. God has called me as a wife and mother to pray over our household. What more important job do I have? I honestly can't think of one. Mother's take a stand for your family. Call onto God to protect the ones you hold most dear! Last night and this morning it has hit me even more that I need to not just be praying silently for them but aloud. Let the devil HEAR me cry out to my Father to protect my loved ones! Let's rebuke the evil one in Jesus Christ's holy and powerful name! If you need help coming up with a prayer I found this site which has a beautiful prayer of protection for your family. Wives and mothers please join me in praying for our families!